I totally think that stockings are underrated. Does anyone else agree?? Maybe it’s because my husband gets SO excited to fill our stockings or maybe it’s because my parents go all out. Either way, I have the best time opening stockings! Don’t get me wrong, presents are fun, but stockings can be great too. Today I’m sharing the best stocking stuffers that are all UNDER $25. Now, you may be thinking that you won’t get these items in time for Christmas Eve. Let me stop you right there. Almost all of these are available in a store or will ship to you on time for Christmas Eve! No excuses now 😉
4.Bauble Bar multi-colored beaded earrings
5.Fuzzy socks {definitely a must stocking stuffer}
7.Gold striped travel coffee mug
10.Tan scarf
16.Living Proof dry shampoo set
19.Knitted mittens {come in pink as well}
21.Leopard beanie {LOVE}
I hope everyone is having a great work week! Ours has been so busy! We have exciting news coming soon 🙂
XOXO Elizabeth Morgan